Configuring Switching Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
MLD Snooping
From the MLD Snooping link, you can access the following pages:
• MLD Snooping Configuration on page 167
• MLD Snooping Interface Configuration on page 168
• MLD VLAN Configuration on page 169
• Multicast Router Configuration on page 170
• Multicast Router VLAN Configuration on page 170
• MLD Snooping Querier Configuration on page 171
• MLD Snooping Querier VLAN Configuration on page 172
MLD Snooping Configuration
Use this menu to configure the parameters for MLD Snooping, which is used to build
forwarding lists for multicast traffic. Note that only a user with Read/Write access privileges
may change the data on this screen.
To access the MLD Snooping Configuration page, click Switching
Multicast MLD
To configure global MLD snooping settings:
1. Use MLD Snooping Admin Mode to select the administrative mode for MLD Snooping
for the switch. The default is disable.
2. Click APPLY to apply the new settings to the switch. Configuration changes take effect
3. Click CANCEL to cancel the configuration on the screen and reset the data on the screen to
the latest value of the switch.
Field Definition
Multicast Control Frame Count The number of multicast control frames that are processed by
the CPU.
Interfaces Enabled for MLD Snooping A list of all the interfaces currently enabled for MLD Snooping.
Data Frames Forwarded by the CPU The number of data frames forwarded by the CPU.
VLAN Ids Enabled For MLD Snooping Displays VLAN Ids enabled for MLD snooping.