Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
SNTP Server Configuration
Use the SNTP Server Configuration page to view and modify information for adding and
modifying Simple Network Time Protocol SNTP servers.
To display the SNTP Server Configuration page, click System Management Time SNTP
Server Configuration.
To configure a new SNTP Server:
1. Enter the appropriate SNTP server information in the available fields:
• Server Type - Specifies whether the address for the SNTP server is an IP address
(IPv4) or hostname (DNS).
• Address - Specify the address or host name of an SNTP server the device can use to
synchronize the system time. If this address is a DNS hostname, then that hostname
should be resolved into an IP address each time a SNTP request is sent to it.
• Port - Enter a port number on the SNTP server to which SNTP requests are sent. The
valid range is 1–65535. The default is 123.
• Priority - Specify the priority of this server entry in determining the sequence of
servers to which SNTP requests will be sent. The client continues sending requests to
different servers until a successful response is received or all servers are exhausted.
This object indicates the order in which to query the servers. A server entry with a
precedence of 1 will be queried before a server with a priority of 2, and so forth. If
more than one server has the same priority then the requesting order will follow the
lexicographical ordering of the entries in this table. Allowed range is (1 to 3). Default
value is 1.
• Version - Enter the NTP version running on the server. (Range: 1–4, default: 4).
Unicast Server Current Entries Specifies the number of current valid unicast server entries configured for
this client.
Broadcast Count
Specifies the number of unsolicited broadcast SNTP messages that have
been received and processed by the SNTP client since last reboot.
Field Description