ProSafe M5300 Switch
Dual Image Configuration
The Dual Image feature allows switch to retain two images in permanent storage. The user
designates one of these images as the active image to be loaded during subsequent switch
restarts. This feature reduces switch down time when upgrading / downgrading the image.
To display the Dual Image Configuration page, click Maintenance
File Management Dual
Image Configuration.
To configure Dual Image settings:
1. Use Unit to select the unit whose code image you want to activate, update, or delete.
2. Use Image Description to specify the description for the image that you have selected.
3. Use Next Active Image to make the selected image the next active image for subsequent
4. Use Update Bootcode to update the bootloader with the selected image.
5. Click DELETE to delete the selected image from permanent storage on the switch.
6. Click APPLY to send the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take
effect immediately.
Field Description
Image Name This displays the image name for the selected unit.
Active Image Displays the current active image of the selected unit.
Version Displays the version of the image1 code file.
Note: After activating an image, you must perform a system reset of the
switch in order to run the new code.