ProSafe M5300 Switch
IPv6 Route Configuration
Use this page to configure static IPv6 routes.
To display the IPv6 Route Configuration page, click Routing IPv6 Advanced Static
Route Configuration.
To configure a static IPv6 route:
1. Use IPv6 Prefix/Prefix Length to enter the Network Prefix and Prefix Length for the
Configured Route.
2. Use Next Hop IPv6 Address Type to specify if the Next Hop IPv6 Address is a Global IPv6
Address or a Link-local IPv6 Address or a Static-Reject IPv6 Address. If the Next Hop IPv6
address specified is a Link-Local IPv6 Address, specify the Interface for the Link-local IPv6
Next Hop Address. Select Static-Reject from this menu to create a static reject route for a
destination prefix. No next hop address is specified in that case.
3. Use Next Hop IPv6 Address to enter the Next Hop IPv6 Address for the Configured Route.
4. Use Interface to specify the unit, slot, and port number for the Link-local IPv6 Next Hop
Address. This field is enabled only if the Link-local is selected.
5. Use Preference to specify the Route Preference of the Configured Route.
6. Click ADD to configure a new route.
7. Click DELETE to delete the corresponding route.