ProSafe M5300 Switch
6. Use Default Metric to set a default for the metric of redistributed routes. This field displays
the default metric if one has already been set or blank if not configured earlier. The valid
values are 1 to 15.
Field Description
Global Route Changes The number of route changes made to the IP Route Database by RIP. This
does not include the refresh of a route's age.
Global queries The number of responses sent to RIP queries from other systems.
Interface Configuration
Use the RIP Interface Configuration page to enable and configure or to disable RIP on a
specific interface.
To display the Interface Configuration page, click Routing RIP Advanced Interface
To configure the advanced RIP global settings:
1. Use Interface to select the interface for which data is to be configured.
2. Use Send Version to select the version of RIP control packets the interface should send
from the pull-down menu. The value is one of the following:
• RIP-1 -Send RIP version 1 formatted packets via broadcast.
• RIP-1c -RIP version 1 compatibility mode. Send RIP version 2 formatted packets via
• RIP-2 - Send RIP version 2 packets using multicast. The default is RIP-2.
• None - No RIP control packets will be sent.