ProSafe M5300 Switch
From the Advanced link, you can access the following pages:
• VRRP Configuration on page 280
• VRRP Secondary IP on page 282
• Tracking Configuration on page 283
• Virtual Router Statistics on page 284
VRRP Secondary IP
To display the VRRP Secondary IP page, click Routing VRRP Advanced VRRP
Secondary IP.
To configure a secondary IP address for the VRRP pair:
1. Use VRRP ID and Interface to select one of the existing Virtual Routers, listed by
interface number and VRRP ID.
2. Use Secondary IP Address to enter the IP address for the interface. This address must be
a member of one of the subnets currently configured on the interface. This value is read only
once configured.
3. Click ADD to add a new secondary IP address to the selected VRRP interface.
4. Click DELETE to delete the selected secondary IP address.
Field Description
Virtual Router ID The Virtual Router ID for which data is to be displayed or configured.
Primary IP Address The Primary IP Address of the Virtual Router.