ProSafe M5300 Switch
3. Use Receive Version to select what RIP control packets the interface will accept from the
pull-down menu. The value is one of the following:
• RIP-1 - Accept only RIP version 1 formatted packets.
• RIP-2 - Accept only RIP version 2 formatted packets. The default is RIP-2.
• Both - Accept packets in either format.
• None - No RIP control packets will be accepted.
4. Use RIP admin mode to enable RIP for an interface. The default is Disable.
5. Use Authentication Type to select an authentication type other than none by clicking on the
'Configure Authentication' button. You will then see a new screen, where you can select the
authentication type from the pull-down menu. The choices are:
• None - This is the initial interface state. If you select this option from the pull-down
menu on the second screen you will be returned to the first screen and no
authentication protocols will be run.
• Simple - If you select 'Simple' you will be prompted to enter an authentication key.
This key will be included, in the clear, in the RIP header of all packets sent on the
network. All routers on the network must be configured with the same key.
• Encrypt - If you select 'Encrypt' you will be prompted to enter both an authentication
key and an authentication ID. Encryption uses the MD5 Message-Digest algorithm. All
routers on the network must be configured with the same key and ID.
6. Use Authentication Key to enter the RIP Authentication Key for the specified interface. If
you do not choose to use authentication you will not be prompted to enter a key. If you
choose 'simple' or 'encrypt' the key may be up to 16 octets long. The key value will only be
displayed if you are logged on with Read/Write privileges.
7. Use Authentication Key ID to enter the RIP Authentication Key ID for the specified
interface. If you choose not to use authentication or to use 'simple' you will not be prompted
to enter the key ID. If you choose 'encrypt' the key ID may be in range from 0 to 255. The
key ID value will be displayed only if you are logged on with Read/Write privileges.
8. Click APPLY to update the switch with the changes.
9. Click REFRESH to update the screen with the most recent information.
10. Click CANCEL to abandon the changes.
RIP Status
Field Description
Interface Displays the interface for which data is configured.
IP Address Displays the IP Address of the router interface.