Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
Stack Firmware Synchronization
To display the stack firmware synchronization configurations from the Stack Firmware
Synchronization page, click System
Stacking Advanced Stack Firmware
Synchronization. A screen similar to the following is displayed.
To configure the Stack Firmware Synchronization features:
1. Specify whether Stack Firmware Auto Upgrade is enabled or disabled. This feature
determines what to do when a new member attempts to join the stack, and its firmware
does not match the version running on the master.
• Enable. The stack master upgrades the version on the new member to match the
version running on the rest of the stack.
• Disable. The new member is not allowed to join.
2. Use the Traps field
to enable or disable sending of traps during Stack Firmware
Synchronization Start, Failure, or Finish.
3. Use the Allow Downgrade field to determine whether the stack master should downgrade
the firmware version on a new member that attempts to join the stack if the new member
has a firmware version that is more recent that the stack.
4. Click Refresh to update the page with the latest information from the switch.
5. Click Apply to apply the new settings to the switch. Configuration changes take effect