Page 4-12 Xerox WorkCentre 4118 and FaxCentre 2218 System Administration Guide
Print Driver Installation for Networked Printers
Apple Mac OSX with AppleTalk
NOTE: These instructions assume the print driver is already installed.
To use AppleTalk, it must be enabled on your workstation and on the WorkCentre 4118 /
FaxCentre 2218. For instructions on enabling AppleTalk on the WorkCentre 4118 / FaxCentre
2218, refer to “Network Communication Setup” on page 5-3.
Use the instructions below to add a printer with AppleTalk.
¾ Select Go.
¾ Select [Utilities].
¾ Select [Printer Setup Utility] and click [Add].
¾ Select [Default Browser] and select the desired AppleTalk printer from the list.
¾ If not automatically selected, choose [Xerox] from the Print Using drop-down menu.
¾ Select [Xerox WorkCentre 4118 PS] or [Xerox FaxCentre 2218 PS] from the model list.
¾ Click [Add].
¾ If prompted, ensure the Installable Options are correct and click [Continue].
¾ Continue with Test Print, see Test Print 8-16.