Most ash units are suitable for use with a CF digital back. However, for safety
reasons, care should be taken when using studio ash units (strobe) and teth-
ered to a stationary computer.
Portable units
Attach the ash sync cable to the lens (or camera body in the case of a Hasselblad 200
series model) and make the appropriate settings according to the unit.
is also applies when using studio units when:
a) tethered to a computer not connected to a regular electricity supply system.
b) tethered to an Imagebank or laptop computer running on batteries.
With studio type ash units (strobe) and tethered to a computer
If the CWD is tethered to a computer that is connected to a regular electricity supply
system as well as a studio ash/strobe unit that is also connected to a regular electricity
supply system/generator system, then make the following connections instead:
a) Connect the ash sync input cable from the sync contact (PC connector) on the lens
to the ash sync IN terminal on the back.
b) Connect the
ash sync output cable from the ash sync OUT terminal on the back
to a regular ash sync cable that is connected to the unit.
TTL function – 503CW /503CWD only
A TTL function is only available with the 503CW/D. e reective characteristics of the
digital sensor are dierent to lm surface characteristics for which the TTL function
was originally designed. However, by changing (in eect, ‘tricking’) the setting, TTL
exposures can be made. Proceed as follows:
Move the ISO selector on the 503CW/D so that is becomes approximately 1⅔ f/stop higher
than the ISO setting on a CF digital back. erefore, for example, when the back is set at
50ISO, the ‘lm speed setting’ on the camera should read 160ISO, and so on. Testing for
the most suitable compensation that suits you is recommended.
See appropriate manuals for connection details regarding the various units and
Flash / Strobe
A CF digital back can be used together with
most studio or portable units.
When attached to a 503CW (or 503CWD), the
TTL function is also available.