Basic operations
Selecting aband
1 Press BAND/
until thedesired band (FM1,
FM2,FM3 forFM or AM)is displayed.
Manual tuning(step by step)
1 Press c ord.
! When ananalog station isreceived, tuning
down operationis conducted withinthe
analog broadcasting.(6 d 2)
! If adigital broadcast isnot yet received,
tuning-up operationtunes in thenext ana-
log station.(2 d 6)
1 Press andhold c or d,and then release.
You can cancelseek tuning bybriefly pressing
c ord.
While pressingand holding cor d, you can
skip stations.Seek tuning startsas soon as
you releasec or d.
Storing and recalling stations
for each band
Using preset tuning buttons
1 When you find a station that you want
to store in memory, pressone of the preset
tuning buttons (1/
to 6/ )and hold until
the preset number stops flashing.
2 Press one of the preset tuning buttons
to 6/ )to select the desired station.
Switching the display
Selecting thedesired text information
1 Press DISPto cycle between thefollowing:
Analog Radiostation
! BRDCST INFO(program service name)
! TRACK INFO(song title/artist name)
! FREQUENCY (frequency)
! CLOCK (sourcename and clock)
HD Radiostation
! BRDCST INFO(call sign/genre)
! TRACK INFO(song title/artist name/album
! FREQUENCY (frequency)
! CLOCK (sourcename and clock)
! BRDCST INFO and TRACK INFO text infor-
mation will change automatically.
! Depending on the band, text information can
be changed.
! Text information items that can be changed
depend on the area.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
BSM (beststations memory)
BSM (beststations memory) automatically stores
the sixstrongest stations in theorder of theirsig-
nal strength.
1 Press M.C. toturn BSM on.
To cancel,press M.C. again.
LOCAL (localseek tuning)
Local seektuning lets youtune in to onlythose
radio stationswith sufficiently strong signalsfor
good reception.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
The highestlevel setting allows receptionof
only thestrongest stations, whilelower levels
allow thereception of weaker stations.
HD SEEK(seek mode)
Seek tuningsetting can be changedbetween digi-
tal stationseek (ON) andall station seek (OFF)de-
pending onthe reception status.
1 Press M.C. toselect your favorite setting.
BLEND (receptionmode)
If adigital broadcast receptioncondition gets
poor, thisunit automatically switchesto the ana-
log broadcastof the same frequencylevel. If this
function isset to on,the tuner switchesbetween
digital broadcastand analog broadcastautomati-
cally.If this functionis off,reception will becon-
ducted withinan analog broadcast.
1 Press M.C. toturn this functionon or off.
If HD SEEK is set to ON and BLENDis set to off,
the tuner cannot receive broadcasts. In this
case, the seek mode or reception modeis
changed automatically as follows:
! When HDSEEK is setto ON, ifyou switch
BLEND fromon to off, HD SEEKis changed to
! When BLENDis set tooff, if youswitch HD SEEK
from OFFto ON,BLEND is changedto on.
storage devices
Basic operations
Playing aCD/CD-R/CD-RW
1 Insert the disc intothe disc loadingslot with
the labelside up.
Ejecting aCD/CD-R/CD-RW
1 Press h.
Playing songson a USBstorage device
1 Open the USB portcover.
2 Plug in theUSB storage device usinga USB
Playback isperformed automatically.
Stopping playbackof files ona USB storagede-
1 You maydisconnect the USBstorage device at
any time.
The unitstops playback.
Selecting afolder
1 Press 1/
or 2/ .
Selecting atrack
1 Press c ord.
Fast forwarding or reversing
1 Press andhold c or d.
! When playingcompressed audio, thereis no
sound duringfast forward or reverse.
Returning toroot folder
1 Press andhold BAND/
Switching betweencompressed audio andCD-DA
1 Press BAND/
Switching betweenplayback memory devices
You can switchbetween playback memory devices
on USBstorage devices withmore than one Mass
Storage Device-compatiblememory device.
1 Press BAND/
! You can switchbetween up to32 different
memory devices.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit