Polk Audio PA250.2 Car Amplifier User Manual

Installing acar audiosystem isa seriousproject. Ifyou have
any doubtsabout your ability toexecute anyof the installa-
tion stepsfound inthis manual, saveyourself alot ofgrief
and contacta professional installer.Your PolkAudio dealer
is agood place tofind one.If you intendto dothe installa-
tion yourselfwe assume youpossess someskill inthe proper
use of hand and powertools. No matterhow muchinstalla-
tion experience youhave, werecommend thatyou…
Read thismanual thoroughly beforeyou begin.
Plan yourinstallation carefully.
Allow enoughtime tocomplete theinstallation
without rushing.
Take stepsto protect yourcar andupholstery from
unwanted scratchesand punctures.
Wear properprotective safetygear.
Tools You MayNeed
Phillips headscrewdriver
Panel prytool
Electric drill and3/16" and1/8" drillbits
Permanent inkmarker orpencil
Solderless, crimp-onconnectors anda crimpingtool
Safety glasses
Wire strippers andcutters
Electrical tape
Grommets for passingwires throughmetal carwalls
Amplifier PowerWire Kit(available atyour authorized
Polk AudioDealer)
Polk Audio specifiesthe recommendedamplification range
for eachof its passive(non-amplified) loudspeakers.Typi-
cally that specificationwill be expressedas arange of
power suchas 20-200Watts (per channel).It isimportant
to understandwhat thosenumbers meanwhen choosinga
receiver or amplifier for yourPolk loudspeakers.The lower
number indicatesthe lowestcontinuous rated powerthat
will yield acceptableperformance in atypical listening
environment. Thehigher numberindicates thehighest
per channelpower that should be usedwith yourPolk
speakers. Thatnumber shouldnot beconfused with a
“Power Handling”specification andit doesnot implythat
the speakerwill safelyhandle that fullamount ofpower
on along-term basis.We specifya widerange of power
ratings becausenot allelectronics manufacturersuse the
same methodfor rating power.In fact,high qualitylower-
rated amplifierssound betterand playlouder thanlow
quality unitswith higher power rating.
Automobile horsepoweris goodanalogy. Yourcar probably
has farmore horsepowerthan itneeds foryour dailycom-
mute andis likelycapable ofgoing wellover 120MPH
(190KM/hr). Having thatextra poweris goodfor on-ramp
acceleration anddanger avoidance(like gettingaway from
brain-eating zombies)but that doesn’tmean thatit is advis-
able tooperate yourcar onNorth Americanhighways at
full powerand maximumspeed foran extendedperiod of
time. Justask your local statetrooper ifyou arein doubt.
Similarly, werecommend usingamplifiers andreceivers
with ratedpower abovethe Power Handlinglimits ofour
speakers becausehaving extrapower availablefor short
terms peaksis conduciveto bettersound quality,maximum
dynamic rangeand effortlesshigh volumeoutput. Butwe
strongly urgeyou notto usethe fullpower ofyour ampor
receiver fordaily listening.
Loudspeakers canbe damagedwhen anamplifier, regard-
less ofits wattage,is madeto playat higherlistening levels
than itspower canclearly produce.Operation at thislevel
can resultin veryhigh levelsof audible distortion originating
in theamplifier, whichcan adda harsh,gritty soundto your
listening material.If youhear distortion—turnthe volume
down orrisk damagingyour speakers. Youcan damagejust
about anyspeaker, regardlessof powerrating, if youdrive
an amplifierto orbeyond thepoint ofdistortion.
1.Please readthis owner’smanual carefullybefore
installing thisamplifier.
2.Disconnect thebattery groundterminal prior
to making anyelectrical connections.
3.Check forany hazardsor obstructionssuch asgas
tanks, fuelor brakelines, andwiring harnesses
before mountingthe amplifier.
4.Pick amounting locationthat willprovide adequate
access andventilation andprotect theamplifier from
heat, moisture,and dirt.
5.To securelymount youramplifier youmust firstremove
the top coverassembly. Unscrewthe four(4) topcover
assembly retainingscrews.
6.Avoid sharpmetal areaswhen routingcables tothe
amplifier, andrun RCAcables away fromthe power
cables andother potentiallynoisy carharnesses.
7.The amplifiershould begrounded witha short,heavy
gauge wireconnected directly to the carat abare metal
surface, preferablyscraped bodysheet metal.Do not
use factory groundlocations, seatbolts, orbrackets
that arespot welded.
8.Always fuseyour powerconnection within8 to10 inches
of thebattery terminal.Use afuse orcircuit breaker rated
slightly morethan theon-board fuse(s)of theamplifier(s).
The gaugeof powerwire usedshould take intoaccount
the total currentdraw ofthe system,and thelength of
High-powered caraudio systemsmay producesound
pressure levelsthat exceed thethreshold atwhich
hearing loss may result.
They mayalso impaira driver’sability tohear traffic
sounds oremergency vehicles.Use common sense
and practicesafe listeninghabits whenlistening
to oradjusting youraudio system.
High-speed MOSFETswitching powersupply
and complementarybi-polar outputs.
Stereo, mono,or simultaneousstereo/mono operation.
Thermal, DC offset, reversepolarity.
Selectable 12dB/octave two-waycrossover.
Switchable 8dB bassEQ function.
Variable inputsensitivity optimizes match
with differentsignal sources.
Chrome-plated wireterminals and RCA
connectors ensure maximum signaltransfer.
Rugged extrudedheatsink andcover.
Unity gainpass-through RCAjacks.
Take Inventory
Check toensure youhave everythingin yourPolk Audio
amplifier cartonto startenjoying yoursystem. Inside,
you should find:
1.Polk AudioAmplifier (PA250.2)
.Phillips Screws(4)
.Mounting Washers(4)
4.Locking Washers(4)
5.Rubber Washers(4)
6.Fuse Replacement
7.Wire Harness
8.Owner’s Manual
9.Online RegistrationCard
Important Note:If anythingis missingor damaged,or if
your PolkAudio amplifier failsto operate,notify yourdealer
immediately. Werecommend keepingyour originalcarton
and packingmaterials in caseyou needto shipthe unit
in thefuture.
In theevent thatyour amplifierrequires serviceor isever
stolen, youwill needto havea record ofthe product’s
serial number.Please takethe timeto enterthat number
in thespace providedbelow. Theserial numbercan be
found onthe bottompanel ofthe amplifierand onthe
amplifier packaging.
Serial Number:____________________________
Polk AudioCustomer Service800-377-7655
(M-F, 9-6EST, US& Canadaonly) orvia email
polkcs@polkaudio.com. Outside theUS &
Canada, call410-358-3600. Tolearn moreabout
Polk Audio12V amplifiersgo towww.polkaudio.com
Polk Audio,Inc. 5601Metro DriveBaltimore, MD21215