The List of Patterns page appears.
5 Click the checkboxes preceding the Pattern Name field for the patterns to
associate with the white listed end point.
6 Click Add. The EndPoint Whitelist page appears, showing the white listed
end points and the associated patterns.
Deleting End Point
White Lists
To delete end point white lists:
1 From the directory provisioning page, as shown in Figure 24, click End
Point White Lists.
The EndPoint Whitelists page appears.
2 From the EndPoint Whitelists page, either an individual or multiple white
list end point can be deleted.
■ Individual — From the Action column, click Delete in the same row as
the end point.
■ Multiple — Check each box preceding the End Point column and then
click Delete Selected.
The EndPoint Whitelists page refreshes, showing the deleted end point
white list.
Managing Routes This section provides information on how to add, edit, or delete routes;
edit bundles and end points assigned to it; or edit the route properties
such as the route name, sort order, and contact code.
Adding Routes To add routes:
1 From the directory provisioning page, as shown in Figure 24, click Routes.
The List of Routes page appears, which is described in Table 24. See
Figure 43.