■ Appending Data to the Database
■ Clearing the Database
Editing the Text Files Use a text editor to edit the individual text files. The first line of the file
contains the column names, each preceded by a | (pipe). Each line
following the first line is a row of data, with each field followed by a |.
Enter a | for every field, even if there is no data for that field.
If the text file contains default data (other than the column names),
delete the data rows that do not apply to the system.
Loading Data into the
Use this procedure to add data into empty tables. This procedure does
not overwrite data or append data to non-empty tables. To overwrite
data, first clear the tables (see Clearing the Database) and then use this
procedure. To append data, see Appending Data to the Database.
To load the data into the database:
1 Log onto the directory server as root.
2 Change to the /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/db/<schema>/bulkload
3 Edit the besbulkfiles_<schema>.txt file. Every text file for each table listed
is bulk loaded. Comment out any table that should not be bulk loaded by
preceding the entry with a #. Remove the comment mark from any table
to be bulk loaded.
4 Edit the selected text files in step 3 (the text files are located in the
/opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/db/<schema>/bulkload directory). Each text
file is related to the table of the same name. To set up the text files, see
Editing the Text Files.
5 Change to the cworks user:
su - cworks
6 Change to the /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/bin directory:
cd /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/bin
7 Data loads for either one or all of the tables in a schema:
To view the available options for the besbulkload command, enter
besbulkload.pl -h.
■ To load data for all the tables in a schema, enter the following