Back-end Server Configuration Tab Descriptions 323
Identification Use the Identification tab to view basic statistics for the accounting,
authentication, or directory server.
State Use the State tab to view basic statistics for the accounting,
authentication, or directory server.
Table 124 Identification Tab
Attribute Description Settings
Alias A management defined alias for the entity
saved across reboots.
Class The internal schema className for this
FQN The fully qualified name of this object. This is
the complete path from the root of all
Last State Change The value of sysUpTime at the time the entity
entered its current operational state.
User Label A label assign by the user. String
Vendor The vendor name of this software. Read-only
Version The current version of this software. Read-only
Table 125 State Tab
Attribute Description Settings
Operational State Indicates the current operational state. Read-only
Reserved Indicates if the object is reserved by another
Reserved by Indicates who has reserved the object. Read-only
Software status The current operational state of the entity. If
AdminStatus is down, then OperStatus should
be down. If AdminStatus is changed to up,
through the entity command interface, then
OperStatus should change to up if the entity
is operational; it should remain in the down
state if and only if there is a fault that
prevents it from going to the up state; it
should remain in the notPresent state if the
entity has missing components. If the entity is
operational, but not responding to queries,
the state is notResponding.
Usage State Indicates how busy the resource is. Read-only