Several messages appear that list the name of each table as data is
appended into each table. When the appending is complete, a command
prompt appears.
Clearing the
Use this procedure to delete the data from all the tables in the <schema>
Once data is deleted it must be reloaded from the text files. See Loading
Data into the Database.
To clear an entire database:
1 Log onto the back-end server as cworks
2 Change to the /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/bin directory:
cd /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/bin
3 Clear the database schemas by entering the following command:
./besbulkload.pl -s <ORACLE_SID_NAME> -p <schema_password>
The besbulkload.pl script now has additional options. Table 118 lists all
of the available options.
Table 118 besbulkload.pl Script Options
Option Description
-cboff Turns callbacks OFF for the schema_name.
Note: This option is only available for cwauth and cwdir.
-cbon Turns callbacks ON for the schema_name.
Note: This option is only available for cwauth and cwdir.
-clear Clears ALL the tables for the schema_name.
This option reads the clear_<schema>sql file located in the
-cleardata Clears ONLY the data tables in the listed schema.
This option reads the clear_cwdir_data.sql file located in the
/opt/3com/VCX/dir/db/cwdir/scripts directory.
Note: This option is only available for cwdir.