This appendix contains information that is common to more than one
component of the VCX V7000 IP Telephony Solution such as:
■ Using the Database Bulk Load
■ Back-end Server Configuration Tab Descriptions
Using the Database
Bulk Load
This section provides information on how to bulkload data into the
database tables. This section is common to the authentication and
directory back-end servers (BES).
Each back-end server has its own identifier such as cwauth or cwdir.
Throughout this section, where ever you see <schema>, type in the
correct identifier as follows:
Use the text files in the
/opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/db/<schema>/bulkload folder to indirectly
edit the data in the databases. The besbulkload.pl script loads data
from text files to a database table, appends data from text files to a
database table, and clears a database schema.
This section provides information on the following:
■ Editing the Text Files
■ Loading Data into the Database
Table 117 <schema> Identifier
Back-end Server <schema> Identifier
Accounting server acct
Authentication server auth
Billing support sever bss
Directory server dir