Using the Database Bulk Load 317
./besbulkload.pl -s <ORACLE_SID_NAME> -n <schema> -p
■ To load data for a single table, use the -tab option. Enter the
following command:
./besbulkload.pl -s <ORACLE_SID_NAME> -n <schema> -p
<schema_password> -tab <table_control_file_name>
To load files from a directory other than
/opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/db/<schema>/bulkload, add the -dpath
<directory path> option to the command.
Several messages appear that list the name of each table as data is
bulk loaded into each table. When the bulk loading is complete, a
command prompt appears.
Appending Data to
the Database
Use this procedure to append data to empty or non-empty tables.
To append data into the database:
1 Log onto the directory server as root.
2 Change to the /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/db<schema>/bulkload
3 Edit the besbulkfiles_custom_<schema>.txt file. Make sure that the text
file for each table to be appended is listed. Comment out any table that
should not be bulk loaded by preceding the entry with a #. Remove the
comment mark from any table to be appended.
4 Change to the
/opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/db/<schema>/bulkload/custom directory.
5 Edit the selected text files in step 3 (the text files are located in the
/opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/db/<schema>/bulkload/custom directory).
Each text file is related to the table of the same name. To set up the text
files, see Editing the Text Files.
6 Change to the cworks user:
su - cworks
7 Change to the /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/bin directory:
cd /opt/3com/VCX/<schema>/bin
8 Append the data by entering the following command:
./besbulkload.pl -s cwbes -n <schema> -custom