Directory Server Database Table Descriptions 263
The desturi_translation table provides destination URI translation based
on source input parameters and translation strings.
Understanding Translation Algorithms
This section is provided to help you understand how pattern matching
and translation strings are used. The outbound destination URI is
translated using the match pattern ID and translation string. The match
string is a regular expression that matches the outbound destination URI.
The translation string determines how the destination URI is translated.
The translation string is specified with a semi-regular expression format. A
translation string with an asterisk (*) means perform no translation just
use the full destination URI string that matched in the match string. A
translation string with pre-pended characters has those characters
pre-pended to the translated destination URI.
For example:
There are five categories of source based input parameters. There is a
specific ordering of how these categories are used to determine the
resultant output. Database records are returned for the first category that
match. The search order is as follows:
■ Combination of or separate instances of Direct Requestor, Indirect
Requestor, or Holiday
■ Holiday only
■ Day time band and week day band
■ Date Time Band (Calendar Time)
■ No source based input parameters
Table 79 Destination URI Translation Algorithm
Destination URI Match String Translation String
Destination URI
18472222411 1847* * 2222411 Strips off the area code
4413012345 44* * 13012345 Strings off the country code
6302221234 630* 1630* 16302221234 Pre-pends a 1
3125551212 * * 3125551212 No translation, this is the
011449622112345 01144* * 622112345 Strips off the access code
and country code