Configuring Class
of Service
Class of Service indicates what phone numbers an end user is allowed to
either place or receive. Class of Services are comprised of one or more
elements. Elements are made of patterns, which are associated with a
phone number type such as Local or Emergency (varies by country). By
creating Class of Services, it makes it easier for you to configure end user
phones since the Class of Service names are added to a drop-down menu
when you configure an end user phone and you can apply the same
configuration across multiple telephones.
The emergency dialable digits are controlled by the ERL screens. If the
emergency digits are identified by an ERL then those emergency
dialable digits will not be applied a Class of Service treatment. Just
because a Class of Service Element is named Emergency and is
blacklisted does not mean that Emergency calls will not go through.
Adding a Class of
To add a Class of Service:
1 In the left-hand side of the main page, click the Class of Service heading.
The Class Of Service List page appears.
2 From the Type name of new class field, type in unique name to describe
the new Class of Service.
3 Click Add. The Class of Service List page refreshes showing the recently
added Class of Service.
4 From the Name column, click the name of the new Class of Service. The
Class Of Service Details For <Class of Service Name> page appears.