Voicemail Pro Page 155
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Administration: Mailbox Access Controls
4.6.2 Automatic Message Deletion
Messages are automatically deleted from the voicemail server after being played (including those played via the users
IMS email client) after a set delay. This delay can be adjusted for different message types.
The process of housekeeping is performed after any two hour idle period, that is a period with no call into or from the
voicemail server.
1.Click the preferences icon.
ยท Alternatively, from the Administration menu, select Preferences and then choose General.
2.Select the Housekeeping tab.
3.Adjust the settings as required for the different message types.
4.Click OK.
5.Click Save and Make Live and select Yes.
4.6.3 Personal Distribution Lists
Personal distribution lists (also known as mailing lists) are available to mailbox users when the system is in Intuity mode.
Each mailbox can accommodate up to 20 lists. Each list can contain up to 360 mailbox numbers. Lists can then be used
or forwarding or sending messages from the mailbox.
Each list can be marked as private or public. Public lists can be used by other mailbox users when forwarding or sending
messages. A user can also import the contents of a public list into one of their own lists.
If Voicemail Pro Networked Messaging (VPNM) is installed, lists can include mailboxes on remote systems. The only
difference in presentation is that, where the mailbox user name is used to identify local mailboxes in a list, remote
mailboxes are listed by number only.
Lists are maintained either through the mailbox or through Phone Manager Pro version 3.0 or higher. Lists cannot be
viewed or controlled from the Voicemail Pro Client. For more information about mailing lists, mailbox owners can refer to
the Intuity Mailbox User Guide.