Voicemail Pro Page 400
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office IMS Service Logging
If IMS is installed the Systems Settings tab is available. You can specify the level of service logging for the IMS Gateway
Server service and the IMS Voice Server service. Four levels of logging are available, with increasing level of detail.
Typically logging is required only if IMS problems are being experienced and diagnosis is required. The information is
logged in the Event Viewer application.
To specify the level of IMS service logging:
1.Open the Windows Control Panel.
2.Select IP Office Voicemail Pro. The IP Office Voicemail Pro window opens.
3.Click the System Settings tab.
4.In the Logging Level boxes, select the level to use for each of the IMS services.
· None - No logging recorded.
· Some - A low level of logging recorded where only errors are logged.
· Most - A medium level of logging where errors and warnings are recorded.
· All - All errors, warnings and information are logged.
5.Click Check to validate the changes that you have made.
6.Click OK. You are prompted to restart the affected services so that your changes are enabled.
7.Choose Yes. The services that are affected by your changes are automatically stopped and restarted.