Voicemail Pro Page 310
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
8. Voicemail Pro Examples
8.1 Using VB Script
The VB Script action allows an administrator to construct additional call flow logic using VBScript commands. A
number of predefined methods and system variables are available. Any scripting added can be verified by pressing the
Syntax Check button. Details of the properties and methods supported are given in the VBScript section. For more
information, see VBScript Properties:Overview .
· Use of VBScript requires entry of a valid VM Pro VBScript license in the IP Office configuration.
To add a VB Script action:
1.Click the Miscellaneous Actions icon and select VB Script.
2.Select the Specific tab.
· Enter VBScript
In the Script area enter the VBScript as required. Details of the System variables and COM methods that are
supported are accessible by right clicking in the VBScript area. This script can contain a maximum of 1000
· Expand
Check Expand to view a larger script area.
· Syntax Check
Click the Syntax Check button to check your input for any errors.
This action has two results for which connections to following actions can be made. The results are
based on the Scripting entered in the Specific tab.