Voicemail Pro Page 285
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Actions: Queue Actions
6.11.2 Queue Position
The Queue Position action plays the caller their position within the queue of calls for the group. The queue position is
supplied by the IP Office when it requests a queue or still queued message is played to a caller.
· In Incoming Call Route 'Priority'
The IP Office supports a configurable Priority setting (1, 2 or 3) on its Incoming Call Routes. In situations where
calls are queued, high priority calls are placed before calls of a lower priority. This has a number of effects:
· Mixing calls of different priority is not recommended for destinations where Voicemail Pro is being used to
provided queue ETA and queue position messages to callers since those values will no longer be accurate
when a higher priority call is placed into the queue. Note also that Voicemail Pro will not allow a value already
announced to an existing caller to increase.
· The IP Office Manager option Synchronize calls to announcements should not be used with call flows that
include this action.
To add a Queue ETA action:
1.Click the Queue Actions icon and select Queue Position.
2.The Entry Prompts tab should include any prompts to play to the caller before they hear their position. For more
information, see Entry Prompts Tab .
3.Select the Specific tab. This tab may include any further prompts to be played to the caller after they hear their
Connect the result Next to a relevant action. For an example of the Queue Position action in a call
flow, see Customizing a Hunt Group Callflow .