Voicemail Pro Page 54
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office Switching VoiceMail Pro to MAPI
By default, the Voicemail Pro installation process assumes that SMTP will be used for Voicemail Pro email functions.
Therefore it requests an SMTP email account settings during installation setup. Voicemail Pro can use MAPI is a MAPI
compatible client is configured on the Voicemail Pro server and is accessible using the account under which the Voicemail
Pro server has been installed.
If you are installing IMS, use the IMS account previously created as part of the installation process. For more
information, see Installing IMS .
Some options are not available if you are working offline. You must be working online to use this feature.
To switch Voicemail Pro to MAPI
1.Start the Voicemail Pro Client.
2.Click Preferences and select General.
3.Click the MAPI tab.
4.The Use Email Protocol settings allow you to switch Voicemail Pro between MAPI and SMTP.
· If MAPI is selected, a valid MAPI profile and password must be entered in the fields above. That MAPI profile
must exist within the MAPI email client on the server PC and be useable by the account under which the
Voicemail Pro service is running.
· If SMTP is selected, the SMTP email account settings must be entered.
5.Click OK.
6.Click Save and Make Live.