Voicemail Pro Page 61
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Installing Voicemail Pro: Voicemail Email Installation
2.6 Centralized Voicemail Pro
A single Voicemail Pro server on a central IP Office system can be used to provide voicemail services for other remote IP
Office systems. This is called Centralized Voicemail Pro.
Centralized Voicemail Pro requires the IP Office systems to be linked by an IP Office Small Community Network (SCN). To
avoid the likelihood of two Voicemail Pro servers answering for the same user, only one centralized Voicemail Pro server
can be installed on a single Small Community Network (SCN). For more information about restrictions that need to be
considered before installing Centralized Voicemail, see Restrictions .
· For information about small community networking and setting up VoIP lines, see the IP Office Manager User Guide.
· By default each IP Office is set to use a broadcast IP address to locate a voicemail server. It can therefore appear that
centralized voicemail is operating before the remote system is set to the Voicemail Type of Line.
· Leaving the systems in this arrangement rather than setting the remote system's Voicemail Type to Line can cause
problems and is not supported.