Voicemail Pro Page 322
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office GetMessagePriority Method
The GetMessagePriority method is used to determine whether the message was left with priority.
mailbox As String,
message As String
) As Boolean
· Parameters
· mailbox - The mailbox that the message belongs to.
· message - The message to query.
· Return Value
True if the message was left with priority, otherwise False. GetMessagePrivate Method
The GetMessagePrivate method is used to determine whether the message was left with privacy.
mailbox As String,
message As String
) As Boolean
· Parameters
· mailbox - The mailbox that the message belongs to.
· message - The message to query.
· Return Value
True if the message was left with privacy, otherwise False. GetMessageStatus Method
The GetMessageStatus method is used to obtain the state of the message within a mailbox.
mailbox As String,
message As String
) As String
· Parameters
· mailbox - The mailbox that the message belongs to.
· message - The message to query.
The message name format should be [Accounts]\mailbox\message. for example,. [Accounts]\Extn247
· Return Value
The state of the message within the mailbox. N for new, O for old, S for saved.