Voicemail Pro Page 71
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Installing Voicemail Pro: Text to Speech (TTS) Install
2.8 UMS Web Services
Voicemail Pro 4.2+ adds support for two UMS (Unified Messaging Service) options:
· IMAP Client Support
Users can then access their voicemail messages using email clients such as Outlook and Lotus notes that support
an IMAP Client. The Voicemail Pro server PC acts as the IMAP server.
· Web Voicemail Access
This option allows users to access the contents of their mailbox using a web browser. They can then playback
messages to their phone or through their PC. Web voicemail requires the voicemail service to also run IIS and
Use of either of these services requires UMS Web Service licenses in the IP Office configuration. The license sets the
number of users who can be configured as users of either UMS service in the IP Office configuration.
Synchronization in realtime.
Playback via User Extension.
Forward messages to other voicemail mailbox.
Forward messages to other email mailbox.
Undelete manually deleted messages.
Change voicemail password.
· UMS or IMS
UMS services are a replacement for IMS. IMS is still supported but only on existing OS's as per Voicemail Pro 4.1.
Installation of UMS services and IMS on the same system is not supported.