Voicemail Pro Page 184
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
4.10.1 Installing Voicemail Pro TTY Prompts
You can select TTY prompts from the list of language options when you install Voicemail Pro. For more information, see
Installation Overview . When the prompts have been installed, the user settings must be configured so that the IP
Office recognizes the TTY device.
There are two ways to configure a user so that they can use a TTY device with Voicemail Pro.
1.The simplest method is to change the user locale in IP Office Manager. This method requires no customization of a
user's mailbox. For more information, see Changing User Locale or refer to the IP Office Manager help or User
2.An alternative to changing the user locale to TTY is to change the language setting in the Voicemail Pro call flows for
the user who needs TTY prompts. For more information, see Changing the Language Setting for a Text Phone .
4.10.2 Changing User Locale
The locale setting tty is not actually recognized by IP Office Manager. Therefore all aspects of a user's telephony
operation on the IP Office will default to the system's locale setting (System > System > Locale). However, the user
locale setting is transferred to the Voicemail Pro server during mailbox access and so will affect the prompts that are
To change the user locale:
1.Open IP Office Manager.
2.In the Navigation pane, click User and select the individual user.
3.Select the User tab.
4.Select the option Teletype (Textphone) in the Locale field.
5.Click OK.
6.Click to merge the configuration change back to the IP Office.
4.10.3 Advice for Mailbox Owners Using a TTY Device
To log into their mailbox with a TTY device, such as a text phone, mailbox owners must dial *17 and then take the analog
telephone handset off hook.
When they are connected, users see prompts on the display of the text phone.
For requests such as "Press 1 for …" users should dial from the keypad of the telephone. For messages followed by GA
(go ahead) users are required to type text using their text device.
For more information, refer to the document "User Guide for Audix TTY Interface" (555-300-710).