Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
Position the crankshaft at #1, 4 piston TDC.
Pull the tension side (exhaust side) [A] of the chain taut
to install the chain.
Engage the camshaft chain with the camshaft sprockets
so that the timing marks on the sprockets are positioned
as shown.
The timing marks of #1, 4T must be aligned with the lower
surface of crankcase of rear side [B].
The timing marks must be aligned with the cylinder head
upper surface [C].
EX mark [D]
IN mark [E]
Before installing the camshaft cap and chain guide, install
the camshaft chain tensioner body temporally.
Install the camshaft cap and chain guide [A].
First tighten the camshaft cap and all chain guide bolts
evenly to seat the camshaft in place, then tighten all bolts
following the specified tightening sequence.
Torque - Camshaft Cap Bolts (1∼16, 19, 20):
12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 104 in·lb)
Camshaft Chain Guide Bolts (17, 18):
12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 104 in·lb)
Tighten the camshaft chain tensioner (see Camshaft
Chain Tensioner Installation).
Install the cylinder head cover (see Cylinder Head Cover
Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear
Camshaft Chain Guide
Camshaft Cap
Cut strips of plastigage to journal width. Place a strip
on each journal parallel to the camshaft installed in the
correct position.
Measure each clearance between the camshaft journal
and the camshaft cap using plastigage (press gauge) [A].
Torque - Camshaft Cap Bolts: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 104 in·lb)
Camshaft Chain Guide Bolts: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m,
104 in·lb)
Do not turn the camshaft when the plastigage is be-
tween the journal and camshaft cap.
Camshaft Journal, Camshaft Cap Clearance
Standard: 0.028 ∼ 0.071 mm (0.0011 ∼ 0.0028 in.)
Service Limit: 0.16 mm (0.0063 in.)