Check to see that the rim lines [A] on both sides of the tire
sidewalls are parallel with the rim flanges.
If the rim flanges and tire sidewall rim lines are not parallel,
remove the valve core.
Lubricate the rim flanges and tire beads.
Install the valve core and inflate the tire again.
After the tire beads seat in the rim flanges, check for air
Inflate the tire slightly above standard inflation.
Use a soap and water solution or submerge the tire, and
check for bubbles that would indicate leakage.
Adjust the air pressure to the specified pressure (see Tire
Install the brake disc(s) so that the marked side faces out
(see Brakes chapter).
Adjust the wheel balance (see Balance Adjustment).
Install the air valve cap.
Tire Repair
Currently two types of repair for tubeless tires have come
into wide use. One type is called a temporary (external) re-
pair which can be carried out w ithout removing the tire from
the rim, and the other type is called permanent (internal)
repair which requires tire removal. It is generally under-
stood that higher running durability is obtained by perma-
nent (internal) repairs than by temporary (external) ones.
Also, permanent (internal) repairs have the advantage of
permitting a thorough examination for secondary damage
not visible from external inspection of the tire. For these
reasons, Kawasaki does not recommend temporary (exter-
nal) repair. Only appropriate permanent (internal) repairs
are recommended. Repair methods may vary slightly from
make to make. Follow the repair methods indicated by the
manufacturer of the repair tools and materials so that safe
results can be obtained.