Ignition System
Crankshaft Sensor Installation
Route the crankshaft sensor lead correctly (see Cable,
Wire, and Hose R outing in Appendix chapter).
Torque - Crankshaft Sensor Bolts: 5.9 N·m (0.60 kgf·m, 52
Apply silicone sealant [A] to the crankshaft sensor lead
grommet and crankcase halves mating surface on the
front and rear sides of the crankshaft sensor cover mount.
Sealant - Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant): 56019–120
Install t he clamps [A] direction as shown.
Torque - Crankshaft Sensor Cover Bolts: 11 N·m (1.1 kgf·m,
95 in·lb)
Hold the sensor lead [A] with the clamp [B].
Upper Crankcase [C]
Install oil pressure switch lead terminal [A] securely.
Install t he lead terminal direction upward.
Torque - Oil Pressure Switch Terminal Bolt: 1.5 N·m (0.15
kgf·m, 13 in·lb)
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).