Troubleshooting the DFI System
Sample Diagnosis Sheet
Rider name: Registration No. (license plate No.): Year of initial registration:
Model: Engine No.: Frame No.:
Date problem occurred: Mileage:
Environment when problem occurred.
Weather □ fine, □ cloudy, □ rain, □ snow, □ always, □ other:
Temperature □ hot, □ warm, □ cold, □ very cold, □ always
Problem □ chronic, □ often, □ once
Road □ street, □ highway, □ mountain r oad (□ uphill, □ downhill), □ bumpy, □ pebble
Altitude □ normal, □ high (about 1000 m or more)
Motorcycle conditions when problem o ccurred.
FI indicator □ light up immediately after ignition SW ON, and goes off after 1 ∼ 2 seconds
LED light (normal)
□ lights blinks immediately after ignition SW ON, and stays on (DFI problem)
□ lights up immediately after ignition SW ON, but goes off after about 10
seconds (DFI problem)
□ unlights (LED light, ECU or its wiring fault)
□ sometimes lights up (probably wiring fault)
Starting □ starter motor not rotating
difficulty □ starter motor rotating but engine doesn’t turn over
□ starter motor and engine don’t turn over
□ no fuel flow (□ no fuel in tank, □ no fuel pump sound)
□ engine flooded (do not crank engine with throttle opened, which promotes engine
□ no spark
□ choke lever is not pulled fully when using the lever (pull it fully when using)
□ other
Engine stops □ right after starting
□ when opening throttle grip
□ when closing throttle grip
□ when moving off
□ when stopping the motorcycle
□ when cruising
□ other