5: Commands and Levels
IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference 61
Continuously displays the internal trouble log.
Continuously displays the status of firmware upload.
Restores the default CPU clock rate.
Restores the default product long name.
Restores the default product short name.
Exit to the enable level.
long name <name>
Sets the product long name, displayed in command mode
Sets the product short name, displayed in command mode
and the Web interface.
Displays information about the various buffer pools.
Displays memory utilization by code files.
Displays differences in memory utilization by code files or
line reference.
show hardware information
Displays information about the hardware.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
show linereference memory <code filename>
Displays memory utilization by line reference for one code
Displays current memory usage information.
Displays task memory utilization.
Displays current task states.
Displays the internal trouble log.
Displays the status of firmware upload.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
disconnect (tunnel-disconnect:2) level commands
Does not watch for a stop character to disconnect.
Watches for a stop character to disconnect.
Returns to the tunnel level.
Does not flush serial data upon closing a tunneling con-
flush serial enable Flushes serial data buffer when a tunneling connection is
Does not watch the modem control pin to disconnect.
Watches the modem control pin and disconnects if it is not
Disables disconnect after timeout feature for tunneling
Displays the current configuration.
show history Displays the last 20 commands en
tered during the current
CLI session.
timeout <milliseconds>
Disconnects when no data has been received on the line
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.