
5: Commands and Levels
IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference 92
send break <control>
Sets the optional send break character.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
terminal <line>
Enters the configure-terminal level.
terminal network
Enters the configure-terminal level for the network.
terminal type <text>
Sets the terminal type.
tunnel <line>
Enters the tunnel level.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
terminal 2 (config-terminal:2) level commands
break duration <milliseconds>
Sets how long a break should last when it is being sent to
the line.
Clears the screen.
default break duration
Restores the break duration to the default value (500 ms).
default terminal type
Sets the default terminal type, "UNKNOWN".
echo disable
Disables echoing of characters received on the line back
to the line.
echo enable
Enables echoing of characters received on the line back
to the line.
Exits to the configuration level.
exit connect menu disable On the login connect menu, removes the menu item allow-
ing the user to exit
exit connect menu enable
On the login connect menu, inserts the menu item allow-
ing the user to exit
line <line>
Enters the line level.
login connect menu disable
Disables the login connect menu, so a user will get the
CLI immediately
login connect menu enable Enables the login connect menu, so a user will get the
menu rather than the
lpd <line>
Enters the configure lpd level.
no send break
Removes the configured send break character.
preview connect menu Shows the layout of the connect menu with current set-
send break <control>
Sets the optional send break character.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
terminal <line>
Enters the configure-terminal level.
terminal network
Enters the configure-terminal level for the network.
terminal type <text>
Sets the terminal type.
tunnel <line>
Enters the tunnel level.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
terminal network (config-terminal:network) level commands
break duration <milliseconds>
Sets how long a break should last when it is being sent to
the line.
Clears the screen.
default break duration
Restores the break duration to the default value (500 ms).
default terminal type
Sets the default terminal type, "UNKNOWN".