Note: The use of the -c -x option for /sbin/gabconfig is not recommended.
About the VCS configuration file main.cf
The VCS configuration file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf is created during
the installation process.
See “Sample main.cf file for VCS clusters” on page 108.
See “Sample main.cf file for global clusters” on page 110.
The main.cf file contains the minimum information that defines the cluster and
its nodes. In addition, the file types.cf, which is listed in the include statement,
defines the VCS bundled types for VCS resources. The file types.cf is also located
in the directory /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config after installation.
Note the following information about the VCS configuration file after installing
and configuring VCS:
■ The cluster definition includes the cluster information that you provided
during the configuration. This definition includes the cluster name, cluster
address, and the names of users and administrators of the cluster.
Notice that the cluster has an attribute UserNames. The installvcs program
creates a user "admin" whose password is encrypted; the word "password" is
the default password.
■ If you set up the optional I/O fencing feature for VCS, then the UseFence =
SCSI3 attribute that you added is present.
■ If you configured the cluster in secure mode, the main.cf includes the VxSS
service group and "SecureClus = 1" cluster attribute.
■ The installvcs program creates the ClusterService service group. The group
includes the IP, NIC, and VRTSWebApp resources.
The service group also has the following characteristics:
■ The service group also includes the notifier resource configuration,which
is based on your input to installvcs program prompts about notification.
■ The installvcs program also creates a resource dependency tree.
■ If you set up global clusters, the ClusterService service group contains an
Applicationresource, wac(wide-area connector). Thisresource’s attributes
contain definitions for controlling the cluster in a global cluster
Refer to the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide for information about
managing VCS global clusters.
107Verifying the VCS installation
About the VCS configuration file main.cf