Modifying configuration files on each remaining node
Perform the following tasks on each of the remaining nodes of the cluster.
To modify the configuration files on a remaining node
If necessary, modify the /etc/gabtab file.
No change is required to this file if the /sbin/gabconfig command has only
the argument -c. Symantec recommends using the -nN option, where N is
the number of cluster systems.
If the command has the form /sbin/gabconfig -c -nN, where N is the
number of cluster systems, make sure that N is not greater than the actual
number of nodes inthe cluster.When Nis greaterthan thenumber of nodes,
GAB does not automatically seed.
Note: Symantec does not recommend the use of the -c -x option for
Modify /etc/llthosts file on each remaining nodes to remove the entry of the
departing node.
For example, change:
0 galaxy
1 nebula
2 saturn
0 galaxy
1 nebula
Removing security credentials from the leaving node
If the leaving node is part of a cluster that is running in a secure mode, you must
remove the security credentials from node saturn. Perform the following steps.
To remove the security credentials
Kill /opt/VRTSat/bin/vxatd process.
Remove the root credentials on node saturn.
# vssat deletecred --domain type:domainname --prplname prplname
Adding and removing cluster nodes
Removing a node from a cluster