Table 4-2
installvcs options (continued)
DescriptionOption and Syntax
Specifies that rsh and rcp are to be used for communication
that systems be preconfigured such that rsh commands
between systems execute without prompting for passwords
or confirmations
Enable or disable Symantec Product Authentication Service
in a VCS cluster that is running. Install and configure Root
Broker for Symantec Product Authentication Service.
See “About Symantec Product Authentication Service (AT)”
on page 19.
Performs the installation, uninstallation, start, and stop
operations on the systems in a serial fashion. By default, the
installerperformstheseoperationssimultaneouslyonall the
Specifies the timeout value (in seconds) for each command
that the installer issues during the installation. The default
timeout value is set to 600 seconds.
program. This pathis different from the/var/tmp path. This
destination is where initial logging is performed and where
RPMs are copied on remote systems before installation.
-tmppath tmp_path
Displays the details when the installer installs the RPMs. By
default, the installer displays only a progress bar during the
RPMs installation.
Installing VCS using installonly option
Incertain situations,users may chooseto installthe VCSRPMs on asystem before
they are ready for cluster configuration. During such situations, the installvcs
-installonly option can be used. The installation program licenses and installs
VCS RPMs on the systems that youenter without creatingany VCS configuration
Configuring VCS using configure option
If you installed VCS and did not choose to configure VCS immediately, use the
installvcs -configure option. You can configure VCS when you are ready for
59Installing and configuring VCS
About the VCS installation program