To configure VCS using the installvcs program
Confirm that you are logged in as the superuser and mounted the product
Navigate to the folder that contains the installvcs program.
# cd /dvdrom/cluster_server
Start the installvcs program.
# ./installvcs -configure
The installer begins with a copyright message and specifies the directory
where the logs are created.
Specifying systems for configuration
The installer prompts for the system nameson which you wantto configure VCS.
The installer performs an initial check on the systems that you specify.
To specify system names for installation
Enter the names of the systems where you want to configure VCS.
Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to configure
VCS: galaxy nebula
Review the output as the installer verifies the systems you specify.
The installer does the following tasks:
■ Checks that the local node running the installer can communicate with
remote nodes
Ifthe installer findsssh binaries, itconfirms that sshcan operate without
requests for passwords or passphrases.
■ Makes sure the systems use the proper operating system
■ Checks whether VCS is installed
■ Exits if VCS 5.0 RU3 is not installed
Configuring the basic cluster
Enter the cluster information when the installer prompts you.
67Installing and configuring VCS
Installing and configuring VCS 5.0 RU3