cluster configuration. The installvcs program prompts for cluster information,
and creates VCS configuration files without performing installation.
See “Configuring the basic cluster” on page 67.
The -configure option can be used to reconfigure a VCS cluster. VCS must not
be running on systems when this reconfiguration is performed.
If you manually edited the main.cf file, you need to reformat the main.cf file.
Installing and configuring VCS 5.0 RU3
Theexampleinstallation demonstrateshow toinstallVCS ontwo systems:galaxy
and nebula. The example installation chooses to install all VCS RPMs and
configuresalloptional features.Forthisexample,the cluster’snameisvcs_cluster2
and the cluster’s ID is 7.
Figure 4-1 illustrates the systems on which you would install and run VCS.
Figure 4-1
An example of a VCS installation on a two-node cluster
Node: galaxy
Cluster name: vcs_cluster2
Cluster id: 7
VCS private network
Public network
eth1 eth1
Node: nebula
Overview of tasks
Table 4-3 lists the installation and the configuration tasks.
Installing and configuring VCS
Installing and configuring VCS 5.0 RU3