Go to \windows\VCSWindowsInstallers\ClusterManager.
Open the language folder of your choice, for example EN.
Double-click setup.exe.
The Veritas Cluster Manager Install Wizard guides you through the
installation process.
Installing VCS Simulator
You can administer VCS Simulator from the Java Console or from the command
line. Review the software requirements for VCS Simulator.
Software requirements for VCS Simulator
VCS Simulator is supported on:
■ RHEL 4 Update 3, RHEL 5, SLES 9 SP3, SLES 10, and SLES 11
■ Windows XP, Windows 2003
Note: Make sure that you are using an operating system version that supports
JRE 1.5.
Installing VCS Simulator on UNIX systems
This section describes the procedure to install VCS Simulator on UNIX systems.
To install VCS Simulator on UNIX systems
Insert the VCS installation disc into a drive.
Navigate to the following directory and locate VRTScssim.
■ Linux—rpms
Install the VRTScssim package.
To useCluster Manager with Simulator, you must also install the VRTScscm
Installing VCS Simulator on Windows systems
Thissectiondescribes theprocedure toinstallVCS SimulatoronWindows systems.
Installing and configuring VCS
Installing and configuring VCS 5.0 RU3