See “Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode” on page 29.
About Cluster Manager (Java Console)
Cluster Manager (Java Console) offers complete administration capabilities for
your cluster. Use the different views in the Java Console to monitor clusters and
VCS objects, including service groups, systems, resources, and resource types.
Youcanperform manyadministrativeoperations usingtheJava Console.Youcan
also perform these operations using the command line interface or using the
Veritas Cluster Server Management Console.
See “Installing the Java Console” on page 80.
See Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide.
About Veritas Cluster Server Management Console
Veritas Cluster Server Management Console is a high availability management
solution that enables monitoring and administering clusters from a single Web
Youcanconfigure VeritasClusterServer ManagementConsole tomanagemultiple
Refer to the Veritas Cluster Server Management Console Implementation Guide
for installation, upgrade, and configuration instructions.
For information on updates and patches for VCS Management Console, see
To download the most current version of VCS Management Console, go to
www.symantec.com/business/cluster-server and click Utilities.
About VCS Simulator
VCS Simulator enables you to simulate and test cluster configurations. Use VCS
Simulator to view andmodify servicegroup andresource configurationsand test
failover behavior. VCS Simulator can be run on a stand-alone system and does
not require any additional hardware.
VCS Simulator runs an identical version of the VCS High Availability Daemon
(HAD) as in a cluster, ensuring that failover decisions are identical to those in an
actual cluster.
Youcantest configurationsfrom differentoperatingsystems usingVCSSimulator.
For example, you can run VCS Simulator on a Windows system and test VCS
Introducing Veritas Cluster Server
About VCS optional components