See also the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide for a description of I/O fencing.
Setting the PATH variable
Installation commands as well as other commands reside in the /sbin, /usr/sbin,
/opt/VRTS/bin, and /opt/VRTSvcs/bin directories. Add these directories to your
PATH environment variable.
To set the PATH variable
Do one of the following:
■ For the Bourne Shell (sh or ksh), type:
$ PATH=/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/VRTS/bin:/opt/VRTSvcs/bin:\
$PATH; export PATH
■ For the C Shell (csh or tcsh), type:
% setenv PATH /usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/VRTS/bin:\
Setting the MANPATH variable
Set the MANPATH variable to view the manual pages.
To set the MANPATH variable
Do one of the following:
■ For the Bourne Shell (sh or ksh), type:
$ MANPATH=/usr/share/man:/opt/VRTS/man; export MANPATH
■ For the C Shell (csh or tcsh), type:
% setenv MANPATH /usr/share/man:/opt/VRTS/man
If you use the man command to access manual pages, set LC_ALL to "C" in
your shell for correct page display.
# export LC_ALL=C
See incident 82099 on the Red Hat support web site for more information.
47Preparing to install VCS
Performing preinstallation tasks