■ If you have manually edited any of the VCS configuration files, you need to
reformat them.
Uninstalling VCS 5.0 RU3
You must meet the following conditions to use the uninstallvcs program to
uninstall VCS on all nodes in the cluster at one time:
■ Make sure that the communication exists between systems. By default, the
uninstaller uses ssh.
■ Make sure you can execute ssh or rsh commands as superuser on all nodes in
the cluster.
■ Make sure that the ssh or rsh is configured to operate without requests for
passwords or passphrases.
Ifyoucannot meetthe prerequisites,thenyou mustrunthe uninstallvcsprogram
on each node in the cluster.
The example demonstrates how to uninstall VCS using the uninstallvcs program.
Theuninstallvcsprogram uninstallsVCSontwo nodes:galaxynebula. Theexample
procedure uninstalls VCS from all nodes in the cluster.
Removing VCS 5.0 RU3 RPMs
The program stops the VCS processes that are currently running during the
uninstallation process.
To uninstall VCS
Log in as superuser from the node where you want to uninstall VCS.
Start uninstallvcs program.
# cd /opt/VRTS/install
# ./uninstallvcs
Theprogram specifiesthedirectory wherethe logsare created. The program
displays a copyright notice and a description of the cluster:
VCS configuration files exist on this system with the following
Cluster Name: VCS_cluster2
Cluster ID Number: 7
Systems: galaxy nebula
Service Groups: ClusterService groupA groupB
Uninstalling VCS
Uninstalling VCS 5.0 RU3