Measuring Waveforms
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
3- 181
Overview Related control elements and resourcesTo com pensate passive probes (Cont.)
For further
8. Touch the Help button to access the online assistance.
See page 3--283 to learn about using online help.
You can adjust a relative time delay for each channel. This lets you align the
signals to compensate for signals that may come in from cables of differing
lengths. The instrument applies deskew values after it completes each acquisi-
tion; therefore, the deskew values do not affect logic triggering. Also, deskew
has no affect on fast acquisition XY and XYZ display formats.
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, and TDS6404: To deskew channels, use the
procedure that follows.
TDS6604: To deskew channels, use the procedure in the manual that came with
your deskew fixture.
Overview To deskew channels Related control elements and resources
1. Inst rument should be powered on. Allow the instrument
and probes 20 minutes to warm up.
See page 3--34 for acquisition setup and Power on the
Instrument on page 1--9.
To Deskew Channels