Creating and Using Math Waveforms
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
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Overview Related control elements and resourcesTo define a spectral math waveform (Cont.)
Set the time
domain controls
Time domain controls of the spectral analyzer determine the
sample rate and record length of the acquisition. Front panel
controls also affect the sample rate and record length, but not
in the same way. These controls allow you to change the
duration on the acquisition without changing the sample rate.
This allows you to control the acquisition in a way that is
analogous to the frequency domain span and center
frequency controls in a spectral analyzer.
23. From the Spectral Analysis Setup menu, touch
Resolution, and adjust the time interval between data
samples of the input waveform.
Note. Resolution is the inverse of Sample rate. Adjust
resolution to adjust sample rate. Resolution will also
cause a change in record length such that the duration
is kept constant at the value selected by the Duration
24. To adjust the number of seconds over the duration of the
acquired waveform (record length), touch Duration, and
use the multipurpose knobs or keypad to adjust the
Note. Changing duration also changes the record
25. To set the gate position, touch Gate Pos, and use the
multipurpose knobs or keypad to adjust the gate
Gate position is the position of the phase reference point
in the gate with respect to the trigger in seconds. The
gate position and gate duration must be within the
26. To set the gate durat ion, touch Gate Dur, and use the
multipurpose knobs or keypad to adjust the gate
Gate duration and resolution bandwidth both control
gate duration; gate duration is displayed in seconds and
resolution bandwidth in hertz.