Appendix B: Automatic Measurements Supported
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table B- 1: Supported measurements and their definition (Cont.)
Name Definition
Positive Overshoot Volt age measurement over the entire waveform or gated region.
PositiveOvershoot =
× 100%
Positive Width Timing measurement of the first pulse in the waveform or gated region. The distance (time)
between MidRef (default 50%) am plit ude points of a positive pulse.
Rise time Timing measurement. Time taken for the leading edge of the first pulse in the waveform or
gated region to rise from a Low Ref value (default = 10% ) to a High Ref value (default = 90%) of
its final value.
RMS Voltage measurement. The true Root Mean Square voltage over the entire waveform or gated
Mean The average of all acquired points within (or on) the histogram box.
Median Half of all acquired points within (or on) the histogram box are less than and half are greater
than this value.
StdDev The standard deviation (Root Mean Square (RMS) deviation) of all acquired points within (or on)
the histogram box.
Hits in Box Displays the number of points in the histogram box or on the box boundary.
Waveform Count Displays the number of waveforms that have contributed to the histogram.
Peak Hits Displays the number of points in the largest bin of the histogram.
Pk-Pk Displays the peak-to-peak value of the histogram. Vertical histograms display the “voltage” of
the highest nonzero bin minus the “voltage” of the lowest nonzero bin. Horizontal histograms
display the “time” of the rightmost nonzero bin minus the “time” of the leftmost nonzero bin
(Max -- Min).
Max Displays the maximum voltage or time.
Min Displays the minimum voltage or time.
Mean ᐔ 1 StdDev The percentage of points in the histogram that are within 1 standard deviation of the histogram
Mean ᐔ 2 StdDev The percentage of points in the histogram that are within 2 standard deviations of the histogram
Mean ᐔ 3 StdDev The percentage of points in the histogram that are within 3 standard deviations of the histogram