Glossary- 6
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Fall Time
A measurement of the time it takes for the trailing edge of a pulse to fall
from a HighRef value (typically 90%) to a LowRef value (typically 10%) of
its amplitude.
Fiber Optics
A method of transmitting information in which light is modulated and
transmitted over high-purity, filaments of glass. The bandwidth of fiber optic
cable is much greater than that of copper wire.
A timing measurement that is the reciprocal of the period. Measured in Hertz
(Hz) where 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second.
Gated Measurements
A feature that lets you limit automated measurements to a specified portion
of the waveform. You define the area of interest using the vertical cursors.
Glitch positive trigger
Triggering occurs if the instrument detects positive spike widths less than the
specified glitch time.
Glitch negative trigger
Triggering occurs if the instrument detects negative spike widths less than
the specified glitch time.
Glitch either trigger
Triggering occurs if the instrument detects either positive or negative spike
widths less than the specified glitch time.
GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus)
An interconnection bus and protocol that allows you to connect multiple
instruments in a network under the control of a controller. Also known as
IEEE 488 bus. It transfers data with eight parallel data lines, five control
lines, and three handshake lines.
A grid on the display screen that creates the horizontal and vertical axes. You
can use it to visually measure waveform parameters.