CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Index- 15
Page preview, 3--279
Page setup, C--2
Palette, printing, 3--278
Paper, printing, 3 --278
Pattern trigger, 3--90, 3--105
how to setup, 3--106
Peak detect, 3--28, 3--35
Peak detect acquisition mode, Glossary--11
Peak hits, B--3, C--13
Peak-to-peak, B --2, C--11, C--13
Peak-to-peak, Glossary--11
Performance verifi cation, 1--13
of functions, 1--23
self tests, 1--22
performance veri fication, 1 --13
Period, B--2, C--12, Glossary--11
Peripheral, conne cting, 1--7
Persistence, 3--140
Persistence controls, C --9
Phase, B--2, C--12, Glossary--12
Phase spectrum, C --15
Phase suppression, 3--213
Phase verses frequency, 3--203
Phone number, Tektronix, xvii
Pixel, Glossary--12
Pk-pk, B--3
Plug&play software, 1--12–1--20
PNG, file format, 3--262
Polarity and width, A Trigger control window, 3--94,
3--96, 3--100
Polarity, main trigger menu, 3--96, 3--100, 3--102,
Pos duty cycle, C--12
Pos overshoot, C--11
Position, vertical, 3--192, 3--193, C--4
Position/scale, C--1, C--4, C--6, C--13, C--14
Positive duty cycle, B--2
Positive overshoot, B--3
Positive width, B --3, C--12
Positive, A Trigger control window, 3--94, 3--96, 3--100,
3--102, 3--121
Posttrigger, 3--73, Glossary--12
Powering off, 1--10
Powering on, 1--9
Preferences, C--16
Pretrigger, 3--73, Glossary--12
Principal power switch, Glossary--12
Print, C--2
Print preview, 3--280, C--2
Printing, 3--277
waveforms, 3 --277
accessories, 1--41
cal, C--4
calibrate, 3--177
calibration fixture, 3 --173
compensate timing, 3--182, 3--183
compensation, Glossary --13
definition, Glossary--13
low frequency compe nsation, 3--180
Probe--channel deskew, 3--181, Glossary--3
Probes and signal connection, 3--10
accessories, 1--37
description, 1--1
software, 1--3
Product support, contact information, xvii
Programmer help, 1--12
Propagation delay, B--1
Proximal, Glossary--13
Pulse trigger, Glossary--13
Pulse triggering, 3--88
A Trigger control window, 3--96
Pulse, A Trigger control window, 3--94, 3--99, 3 --101,
Q factor, B--5
Quality factor, B--5, C--12
Quantizing, Glossary--13
Quitting the application, 1--14
Radian, 3--234
Range, vertical input, 3--20
channel, 3--136
cursor, V-bars, 3--238
trigger, 3--82
Real time only, C-- 6
Real time, acquisition controls, 3 --36
Real-time sampling, 3--42, Glossary--13
Recall default setup, C--1
Recall waveform, C--1
Recalling a setup, 3--245
Recalling a waveform, 3--253
Recent setup file, C--2
Record, acquisition, shared by all channels, 3--26
Record length, 3--24, 3--127, 3--204, Glossary --13
defined, 3--41
derivative math waveforms, 3--191