Appendix C: Menu Bar Commands
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table C- 11: Utilities menu commands (Cont.)
Menu FunctionSubmenu
Deassign Multipurpose
Deassigns the multipurpose knobs from their current function
User Preferences Displays a window that you use to enable prompts before the instrument
performs requested actions (autoset, autoset undo, default/ recal l setup,
overwrite/del ete setup, or delete reference waveform), set keypad trigger level
defaults, select whether horizontal scale or sample rate is held constant when
you change record length, and select the type of measurement annotations
Option Installation Displays a window that you use to enable optional features and external
If error code 351 is displayed, from the Utilities/Instrument Calibration menu run Signal Path Compensation, and then
from the Utilities/Instrument Diagnostics menu run the diagnostics.
Help Commands
Table C--12 lists the commands available from the Help menu on the menu bar.
Table C- 12: Help menu commands
Menu Submenu Function
Help on Window Displays online help on the current window
Contents and Index Displays the contents and index dialog of the online help
Restore Help If the help window is minimized, help is redisplayed
Specificati ons Displays the instrument specifications
Technical Support Displays how to obtain technical support
Customer Feedback Displays how to supply customer feedback
About TekScope Displays the instrument version number, serial number, instrument id, copyright,
installed option list, and option installation key